You would not believe how difficult it is to not eat refined sugar for five days! I cannot believe that it is causing the most trouble out of all the things I have said no to.
In a way though, I am excited about the difficulty. I have read that a lot of people with depression/anxiety/adhd tendencies have a sensitivity to sugar, and it would also fit with my proclivity for beer…
The last time I did this I was in Cambodia so I had tons of fruit at my disposal but this time, being in Canada during the winter, I basically have apples, oranges and bananas to choose from.
I decided on Sunday that I also need to stop eating shreddies…(I can’t remember if I already wrote about this and I just wrote my Sunday journal entry on Monday morning – memory loss is a side effect of having low amounts of dopamine in your system)
Anyway, I noticed myself getting up in the morning and choosing to have shreddies over having a fried egg with homemade bread for toast. This struck me as weird because fried eggs and toast are one of my favourite meals.
The problem was I would think of the sweet taste of shreddies and immediately choose them. I checked the ingredients and sure enough, sugar.
I always thought of Shreddies as the most boring cereal too…
Since I am having such a reaction to the sugar thing, I have decided to be even more strict about what food I eat, so that I can free myself from unnecessary food cravings.
And, I do know they are unnecessary, becasue I am certainly eating enough food! I do think I cut back a bit today, but I think I ate nearly double what I was planning to eat for lunch…
I may have to cut back a bit more gradually…
I did feel slightly more energetic today. I had a few work setbacks which put me in a bad and tired mood anyway though. I also had another terrible sleep last night.
There was an interesting moment when I was struggling with an article that I start with good momentum that I badly wanted to give up. It was like a train of all the things I wanted to quick sailed past and each thing gave me a personal whack.
It was really interesting becasue it was so clearly an escapist maneuver. It is just the thing that brought me here in the first place. I can never get on a role of being productive becasue as soon as the going gets rough I quickly jump to my addictions.
I managed to avoid falling into the pit, but it did leave me feeling lethargic, and I didn’t finish the article.
I am worried that this is going to be another unproductive and low energy week, but I haven’t lost hope. I am making a much easier 3 thing to do list, because I failed mine which always feels terrible (as it was designed to), but I am going to up the intensity of the physical workout tomorrow which should hopefully get things rolling again.
three thing to do list
- Spend three hours on Dopamine Fast Book
- Half Hour work out in the morning
- Go Grocery shopping